Athletic Track

Athletic Track

Synthetic Athletic Track: Durable, High-Performance Surfaces for Athletes



Welcome to Amico Sports, a leading sports infrastructure developer in India. We are proud to offer Synthetic Athletic Track surfaces that are designed to meet the needs of athletes of all kinds. Our synthetic athletic tracks are made from high-quality materials, ensuring maximum performance, durability, and safety.


Types of Synthetic Athletic Track

At Amico Sports, we offer three types of synthetic athletic tracks: PU Spray, Sandwich Track & Full PU Track. Both types of tracks have their own advantages and are suitable for different applications.


Advantages of Synthetic Athletic Track

Our synthetic athletic tracks offer several advantages for athletes, including:

  1. Consistent Performance: Unlike natural grass tracks, synthetic tracks offer consistent performance and are not affected by weather conditions.

  2. Durability: Synthetic tracks are designed to withstand heavy use and last for several years.

  3. Low Maintenance: Synthetic tracks require minimal maintenance, making them a cost-effective solution for sports facilities.

  4. Safety: Synthetic tracks are designed to provide excellent traction and shock absorption, reducing the risk of injury to athletes.

  5. Customizable: Synthetic tracks are available in a variety of colors and can be customized to meet the specific needs of your sports facility.


Professional Installation of Synthetic Athletic Track

To ensure optimal performance and durability, it's important to have your synthetic athletic track professionally installed by experts in the field. At Amico Sports, we offer professional installation services for all our synthetic athletic tracks, ensuring that they are installed to the highest standards and provide a safe, reliable playing surface for years to come.